The Last dying twitches of British nationalism?

According to Sam Mc Bride writing in the Belfast Telegraph, “both main unionist parties are now calling for a greater RAF and Royal Navy presence” in the Occupied Six Counties. All in an effort to prepare for possible war while arguing that they have a strategic military significance for both Britain and the 26-County State and for their undersea infrastructure.

In a statement on June 28, 2024, a spokesperson for Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive), Sinn Féin Poblachtach said:

“Murmurings from British nationalists within the ranks of the unionist vanguard and Ulster resistance is just standard electioneering and jingoistic trash. They are trying to hark back to Randolph Churchill’s call to arms, ‘Ulster will fight and Ulster will be right’.

“Easter 1916 leader, Commandant-General James Connolly warned, don’t be ‘practical’ in politics. To be practical in that sense means that you have schooled yourself to think along the lines and in the grooves that those who rob you would desire you to think.

“When are these Stormont Agreement ‘republicans’ going to take heed? History has revealed that these British constitutional nationalists are a treacherous enemy to the Irish people.

“No foreign nation or country will ever be allowed to pull us apart and no treaty, agreement or tinkering shall declare for two nations in Ireland and be allowed to maintain.

“Mise Éire, I am Ireland. There is no other, no substitute and it belongs to the people of Ireland.

“Let’s remember Peter Brooke’s phrase, ‘no selfish strategic or economic interest in Ireland’; the absence of a comma wasn’t accidental. So Britain never denied having a strategic interest, just not a selfish one.”

PRO,Comhairle Uladh,
Sinn Féin Poblachtach


Ranganna:[RSF News] Statements