Ruling by fooling is a great British art – justice once again denied

In a statement on June 22, 2024 a spokesperson for Cumann Tomás Ó hAirt, Sinn Féin Poblachtach, Ard Mhacha Thuaidh, said:

“We continue to show our solidarity with victims’ families following public outrage toward the hiring by the Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery (ICRIR) of Peter Sheridan, former RUC (Royal Ulster Constabulary) commander, to oversee the investigation of historic cases of British State violence and collusion.

“Relatives and survivors continue to believe that the ICRIR is part of British government attempts to shield State participants from accountability.

“According to the Irish News, a recent recruitment drive by the ICRIR to hire four ‘intelligence officers’ with knowledge of ‘Northern Ireland terrorism’ has been described as a ‘spookfest’ by a relatives’ campaign group.

“The recruitment information states that the new ICRIR intelligence members must have knowledge of ‘intelligence computer operating systems’ and other systems including the RUC/PSNI C3 database. The notorious RUC ‘Special Branch’ which is now C3 intelligence unit will also be open for secondments.

“Sinn Féin Poblachtach, along with victims, survivors, and their families have not a scintilla of faith in a process that recruits from and is managed by a former member of an organisation which has been judged to have not only colluded but have themselves been guilty of serious crimes up to and including murder.”

Cumann Tomás Ó hAirt
Ard Mhacha Thuaidh


Ranganna:[RSF News] Statements